Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Achiever - 1348 Words

THE ACHIEVER – ASSIGNMENT #1 | The Achiever | [Type the document subtitle] | | Excelsior College | BUS 452 - Business Leadership | | After reading the article â€Å"7 Transformations of Leadership† by David Rooke and William R. Torbert in 2005 Harvard Business Review, I immediately discovered what type of action logic I currently possess as a leader. Although there were many action logics to look at in the article, such as the Opportunist, who has the tendency to focus on personal wins and justify their behavior as legitimate in a cut throat world; the Diplomat who seeks to please higher status colleagues in order to gain acceptance and influence by cooperating with group norms; the Experts who are secure in their expertise†¦show more content†¦I encourage and solicit their ideas on how to improve in any area of the organization and evaluate their ideas for the betterment of our organization or group; thus, I pay attention and never belittle their ideas because in actuality, their suggestions and ideas are very helpful. I believe visions are not just derived from the leader, but also at the lowes t level. I don’t treat my subordinates as if they are my servants and need to obey what I say instead I treat them as people who are also potential leaders. Lastly, in my opinion, the ability to foster a positive work environment in order to achieve personal and organizational goals entails three elements: (1) motivation, (2) rewarding employees, and (3) fostering career development. A motivating work environment enhances staff self-esteem causing people to feel like they are more, not less--more competent, more capable, and more appreciated. A concept called the Pygmalion Effect emphasizes that â€Å"the positive and high expectations of the supervisor helps mold the expectations individuals hold for their own high performance† ( By motivating employees they will want to achieve more allowing a positive work environment. In addition, I inculcate to my subordinates the value of work. I remind them that in every endeavor we do, weShow Mor eRelatedGraduation Speech : An Achiever1314 Words   |  6 PagesAchiever. My fifth SBL attribute, the only from outside the strategic category, is achiever. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Literary Analysis Of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken

Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken: A Literary Analysis The works of Robert Frost have many identifiable primary ideas that have been studied for generations. Some of these are the New England dialect, a firm grasp on the use of nature and most important in this analysis, decision making and self reliance. Frost has a knack and does a masterful job at aligning his poetry with his 19th century predecessors and being straightforward with his love for nature and his ability to focus on the human condition more than his 20th century contemporaries. Robert Frost was the recipient of many awards over the course of his lifetime and was even considered by many to by the Poet Laureate of the United States. One of his most famous works that will be†¦show more content†¦Another concept that is shown clearly in this work is the idea of self-reliance. Frost emphasizes the idea that humans must learn to rely on themselves. This can be seen from the very beginning of the poem when â €Å"I† immediately comes upon the two roads, of which he must take one. He cannot decide to travel both or even none at all. It is therefore on â€Å"I† to decide which road he will take for there is no one else for him to discuss it. It is clear that â€Å"I† is not sure on which road he should choose. This may be because the roads themselves look similar or even a like. It may also be because of his background (Pramono). In other words is he not comfortable taking the road less traveled because of the unknowns. This would help to explain his trepidation in making this decision. This idea of self-reliance can also be clearly seen in the final stanza when Frost has â€Å"I† showing decision making regret. This can first be seen by the use of â€Å"shall be† (Frost). The use of the future helps to imply to the reader that â€Å"I† never really did make the decision but would if he could go back. This is how having to be self-reliant and make decisions could easily lead to regret and questioning of oneself. â€Å"I’sShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis of Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken563 Words   |  2 Pages Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken Analysis The poem seems to make a reader think about the decisions they make in life and the cause-n-effect behind their decisions. Initially the poem seems to have a motivational tone to it, but after reading and thinking on it, it magnifies the fear most people have when it is time to make a decision; afraid of making the wrong decision and having to live with that decision. In the first stanza, Mr. Robert Frost’s poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, tells the storyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1409 Words   |  6 PagesThe analysis of â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost has been up for debate since the poem release in 1916. It is known to be one of the most frequently misinterpreted poems of all time, and even Robert Frost himself has said the poem is â€Å"tricky† to comprehend (The). When analyzing this poem many readers tend to focus only on the last lines of the poem and get caught in a trap of selective-interpretation. Quite a few people after reading Robert Frost’s poem firmly conclude that this poem is aboutRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1221 Words   |  5 PagesWhile gazing at the farmland on the rural outskirts of Derry, NH, Robert Frost created an American masterpiece. â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, is a dynamic and deep poem orchestrated to perfection. However, eq ual to its acclaim, is the misunderstanding of the poem. A piece of literature of this stature deserves to be under the microscope of our classes critical discussions. I believe that the time would be beneficial to everyone. Giving a breath of fresh air to a poem that has been abused by Hallmark cardsRead MoreAn Analysis of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken1800 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿The Road Not Taken Robert Frost Introduction Robert Frost is one of the best known poets in American history, and his poem, The Road Not Taken is among the most well-known of all his poems. Frost places a great deal of emphasis on nature in his writing, as he was a lover of the countryside. He based many of his poems on the New England scenery, which was his home for most of his life. I chose this particular poem because I have enjoyed the readings we have done so far of his work and The RoadRead MoreWilliam Stafford â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark† Robert Frost â€Å"the Road Not Taken†1432 Words   |  6 PagesIsmael Gonzalez Professor Edwards February 24, 2013 William Stafford â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark† amp; Robert Frost â€Å"The Road Not Taken† In Robert Frost â€Å"The Road Not Taken† we can see how many different aspects of life decision making comes in the form of symbolisms. â€Å"Two roads diverge in a yellow wood. And sorry I couldn’t not travel both† This showing use how unwilling the character is of not making a right decision, this is centered on how life can come with certain choices one must makeRead MoreThe Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost and A Worn Path, by Eudora Welty2347 Words   |  10 Pagesconnecting, considering and concluding the response gained from literary works, the reader can obtain a deeper, analytical understanding of these techniques and tools used by the authors of the various literature forms. For this assignment, I have chosen to compare and contrast two separate literary works from â€Å"Journey into Literature† (Clugston, 2010), with similar themes. . The poems I will discuss are â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, by Robert Frost and â€Å"A Worn Path†, b y Eudora Welty. I have chosen these worksRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken1257 Words   |  6 Pages Critical Analysis on â€Å"The Road Not Taken† Why is it so common for people to regret the path they have chosen in life? Robert Frost attempts to answer this question throughout the poem by using many literary devices. In other terms, the poet is alluding to a lesson in everyones life; Once a path is being determined, it is inevitable to change the choices because they are in the past. The poet uses imagery to create a visual picture in the readers head of two paths in the woods with the freedomRead MoreEssay about Analysis of the Poems of Robert Frost1316 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The Road Not Taken† and â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay† are just two of many very famous poems, written by none other than Robert Frost. Robert Frost is a poet that is well known for his poetic contributions to nature, as well as his award winning poems. His poetic ability and knowledge make him an extraordinary author. His past; including schooling, family, and the era in which he wrote influenced nearly all of his poems in some way. Th is very famous poet contributed to the modernism era, had a familyRead MoreAmbiguity in Robert Frosts Works2796 Words   |  12 Pages November 10, 2012 Introduction to Poetry Section 01 Ambiguity and Dark Undertones in Robert Frost’s â€Å"The Road Not Taken† and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† Robert Frost and his poetry were adored by the American public, as both were often thought to embody deeply cherished American values such as freedom, independence, nobility and rising to the occasion. The narrator of Frost’s works are often presumed to be Frost himself, as his public audience idolized him for standing forRead MoreThe Road Not Taken Analysis Essays5699 Words   |  23 PagesThe Road Not Taken Analysis Author: Poetry of Robert Frost | | Mountain Interval1916Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally lay

Friday, December 13, 2019

Authority Power Politics Free Essays

Authority/Power/Politics Authority What is Authority The word authority derives from the Latin word auctoritas meaning invention, advice, opinion, influence or commands which originate from an auctor, indicating that authority originates from a master, leader or author. Essentially authority is imposed by superiors upon inferiors either by force of arms (structural authority) or by force of argument (sapiential authority). Usually authority has components of both compulsion and persuasion. We will write a custom essay sample on Authority Power Politics or any similar topic only for you Order Now For this reason, as used in Roman law authority is differentiated into potestas (legal or military power) and imperium (persuasive political rank or standing). Weber on Authority Max Weber in his sociological work has identified and distinguished three types of authority. Weber defined authority as the chance of commands being obeyed by a specifiable group of people. Legitimate authority is that which is recognized as legitimate and justified by both the ruler and the ruled. Weber divided legitimate authority into three types: The first type discussed by Weber is Rational-legal authority. It is that form of authority which depends for its legitimacy on formal rules and established laws of the state, which are usually written down and are often very complex. The power of the rational legal authority is mentioned in the constitution. Modern societies depend on legal-rational authority. Government officials are the best example of this form of authority, which is prevalent all over the world. The second type of authority is Traditional authority, which derives from long-established customs, habits and social structures. When power passes from one generation to another, then it is known as traditional authority. The right of hereditary monarchs to rule furnishes an obvious example. The Tudor dynasty in England and the ruling families of Mewar, in Rajasthan (India) are some examples of traditional authority. The third form of authority is Charismatic authority. Here, the charisma of the individual or the leader plays an important role. Charismatic authority is that authority which is derived from â€Å"the gift of grace† or when the leader claims that his authority is derived from a â€Å"higher power† (e. . God or natural law or rights) or â€Å"inspiration†, that is superior to both the validity of traditional and rational-legal authority and followers accept this and are willing to follow this higher or inspired authority, in the place of the authority that they have hitherto been following. Some of the most prominent examples of charismatic authority can be politicians or lead ers, who come from a movie or entertainment background. These people become successful, because they use their grace and charm to get more votes during elections. Examples in this regard can be NT Rama Rao, a matinee idol, who went on to become one of the most powerful Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh. History has witnessed several social movements or revolutions, against a system of traditional or legal-rational authority, which are usually started by Charismatic authorities. What distinguishes authority, from coercion, force and power on the one hand and leadership, persuasion and influence on the other hand, is legitimacy. Superiors feel that they have a right to issue commands; subordinates perceive an obligation to obey. Social scientists agree that authority is but one of several resources available, to incumbents in formal positions. For example, a Head of State is dependent upon a similar nesting of authority. His legitimacy must be acknowledged, not just by citizens, but by those who control other valued resources: his immediate staff, his cabinet, military leaders and in the long run, the administration and political apparatus of the entire society. Power What is Power Power is a measure of an entity’s ability to control the environment around itself, including the behavior of other entities. The term authority is often used for power, perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Power can be seen as evil or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings. Often, the study of power in a society is referred to as politics. Sources of Power Power may be held through: Delegated authority (for example in the democratic process) Social class (material wealth can equal power) Personal or group charisma Ascribed power (acting on perceived or assumed abilities, whether these bear testing or not) Expertise (Ability, Skills) Persuasion (direct, indirect, or subliminal) Knowledge (granted or withheld, shared or kept secret) Celebrity Force (violence, military might, coercion). Moral persuasion (including religion) Operation of group dynamics (such as public relations) Social influence of tradition (compare ascribed power) In relationships; domination/submissiveness Politics What is Politics Politics is a process by which groups of people make collective decisions. The term is generally applied to behavior within civil governments, but politics has been observed in other group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. It consists of â€Å"social relations involving authority or power† and refers to the regulation of a political unit, and to the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply policy. Politics at Workplace Politics – the other face of the creative, innovative and manipulative and human mind, which always seeks power, recognition and authority. So how can there be no politics at the place where hundreds and thousands of human minds are spending most part of their day and there’s a constant struggle for power and recognition. Yes, double standards, secrecy, camps, demoting others and/or self promotion, in short – politics is all over the workplace. No organisation is and will be completely free from the politics. Office politics refers to the use and manipulation of situations, power and people to secure their position, gain from the situation, let others down or even increase their own power, image and status within the organisation. The results or the benefits can be tangible or intangible, depending upon the situation. Politics at workplace is a game can be played equally well by a single player or teams together, can result in the interest and benefit of the organisation or go against it, can benefit those who don’t play or can throw them out of the organisation. It is a double edged sword which can either create a happy, dynamic and improved environment at the workplace or can destroy it. Politics at workplace is often hard to resist and be away from. It compels and makes you compete. Although a part of all the organisations across the world, the politics at workplace has taken the more advanced and dangerous form in India, where the people staying away from it are being seen as a threat. Office politics has made employees good actors, hiding the facts and even true self from their own colleagues and organisation and being hypocrites for their reasons. Grey side of the issue Every workplace has conflicts, but how the employees and the organisation tackle it goes a long way in ensuring the success of the employees as well as the organisation. Politics at workplace is complex, and can turn the organisation into an ugly and nasty battlefield. Most often, the power is the bone of contention. The powerful employee can take advantage of the situations and manipulate things. The employees can take the things to them at a personal level. This, in turn, can harm their personal and professional lives. Playing on other people’s emotions to make things work for them, people have stooped to such levels where they have put their own morals and conscious aside. But the organisation feels the brunt of the continuous politics at workplace when it starts effecting the overall performance, efficiency and productivity of the organisation. This is mainly due to the considerable amount of time spent on the politics and thinking about the strategies and the moves, rather than the job and the work. Ultimately, this can lead to losses for the organisation and even the loss of jobs for the employees. Workplace Politics: A necessary evil Again, the question arises about the employees who do not become a part to this politics at their workplace. Experts say that giving up to the politics without being a part of it and fighting it, especially when it is unfair, is not advisable either. Sometimes, the politics becomes the necessary evil simply for self defense. As often, the people staying away are taken as a threat and become the victim of the workplace politics and are eliminated. As it has become unavoidable to avoid the politics at today’s workplace, it has become necessary for every employee to: connect to people, try to identify the source of power, bserve and be aware of the happenings around, people’s strengths and weaknesses and their emotional intelligence. Avoiding politics at workplace Although it is practically impossible to make your workplace free from the politics, but the organisation and the employees can follow certain ethics for themselves to make their workplace healthier: Avoid distor ting or manipulating the truth and the facts. Be yourself. Don’t have different faces to suit different people and different situations. Be fair in your dealings. Take decisions based on other’s performance and not on the basis of your relations with them. Be flexible, approachable and accessible to others. Rigidity can isolate you. Communicate – Lack of proper communication is the root cause of most of the problems. Therefore, ensure a timely and open communication system. Hiding information, rumors or distorted information can aggravate the situation and problem. Proper communication will also help to combat the effect of gossip. Have a broader perspective. Don’t work to satisfy your ego every time. Give a fair chance to everyone to put forward their thoughts. Last but not the least; be clear in your conscious. Don’t compromise on your morals and ethics and, don’t hesitate to apologize if you realize that you are wrong. It would be right to conclude that being a part of the interpersonal relations, politics at workplace is prevalent everywhere, and is unavoidable in most cases. But it’s more important to play the game right. Know the rules, stay true to yourself, don’t harm someone personally or his/her career, don’t take grudges home. Try to create a win-win situation for yourself, others and the organisation. Politics at workplace – can be good or bad – depends on how people take it and make it! Don’t confuse authority, power, and politics If you work in an organization, you need a clear understanding of three closely related concepts–authority, power, and politics. Unfortunately, for many employees these concepts often confuse, frustrate, or elicit anxiety or indifference. The traditional concept of organization is built upon the principle that someone has the â€Å"right† to command someone else, whose duty is to obey the command. This â€Å"right† is bestowed by the formal organization, and we call it authority. It is important to note that â€Å"right to command† does not connote the â€Å"capacity to command. Most of us would be making a mistake if we were to equate right and capacity–i. e. , authority and power. This is especially true in a professional environment. We must always be careful to undergird our right to command with the appropriate power, the capability to secure dominance of one’s values or goals, if we w ant to develop and maintain highly effective organizations. Even though it may be socially unacceptable to admit that one aspires to power or worries about power relationships, we must recognize that power and politics enter into every organizational decision. Positive power. However, concern about power and politics does not mean that a person is committed to such Machiavellian tactics as â€Å"doing unto others before they do unto you. † Power has a positive side as well. Organizations could not function without some kind of power relationships. The positive side is characterized by a concern for group goals and their achievement. Leaders enjoy the greatest overall influence when they help their followers feel powerful and accomplish greatness on their own. The direction of communications, their frequency, and their content reveals a great deal about the power relationships within an organization. It is as simple as who talks to whom about what. Office politics. The process by which power is exercised and sometimes acquired is called politics. In politics, contesting forces compete for favorable outcomes on decisions involving who gets what and how. Political activity is usually stronger where there are no prescribed routine answers or no stated policy. It also centers around the interpretation of existing policies and those situations involving value judgments. Any organization that attempts to totally reduce these arenas of political activity by instituting rules, regulations, and policies from the top would quickly strangle in its own red tape. Political processes form the dynamic that enables the formal organization to function. In a sense, power and politics act as the lubricant that enables the interdependent parts of the organization to operate smoothly together. When we pretend that power and politics don’t exist, we greatly reduce the ability of an organization to get things done, especially when innovation and change are involved, because they abandon procedures we have always followed. Since power and political processes are a fact of life in all organizations, we must develop and use the appropriate skills to achieve the organization’s goals. Managers must avoid working in isolation and instead as part of the flow of social forces. They must understand that a managerial position is not self-perpetuating. References Don’t confuse authority, power, and politics, By Ted Gautschi, Consultant, Wellesley Hills, MA — Design News, May 4, 1997 How to cite Authority Power Politics, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Road Not Taken free essay sample

There are many decisions that need to be made in a persons life. Like choosing to spend time hanging out with friends, or to spend time studying for exams. The decisions that a person makes are based on their priorities. The person who chooses to hang out with friend values their friendship over their education, meanwhile, the person who chooses to study for their exams values their education. In the poem, The Road Not Taken Robert Frost uses a metaphor, imaginary, and the structure of the poem to tell the reader that the road a person chooses might be the right or wrong one, but it will make all the difference in their lives. Frost uses the metaphor to show that the choice impacts his life â€Å"The popularity of the poem is largely a result of the simplicity of its symbolism: The speaker must choose between diverging paths in a wood, and he sees that choice as a metaphor for choosing between different directions in life† (Andrews, Terry L). We will write a custom essay sample on A Road Not Taken or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The poet has to choose between two diverging roads, and they have to decide which road they will take to reach his destination Two roads diverge in a yellow wood (1). This not only shows that the speaker has two roads to take but they have two choices in life. Every person in life is going to have decisions to make, weather they are hard or easy, but it is the choice they make that makes them who they are â€Å" The loss of distinction between the roads accordingly casts doubt upon the speakers own sense of distinction in life. (Savoie, John) Robert Frost implies that the road chosen, which is the turning point that made his life different from all the rest and that has made all the difference (20). It is the decisions that one makes that makes them who they are. The imaginary in the poem shows how important a decision a person makes impacts their life. Every person has hard times deciding what they should choose to reach the road that they want to go on. One often questions them self, is this the right or wrong road that they are taking such as when Robert Frost writes two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travels both (1-2). The passage makes the reader see that the decision the poet is making is a difficult one. In the poem Frost describes the leaves being yellow illustrating that it is autumn. Autumn is the season were the leaves change color and life starts to die. As the poem continues it says Because it was grassy and wanted wear (8). Frosts mention of the grass makes the reader think that there is some life on the trails also showing the color green that Frost illustrates. There is a big difference to the yellow and the green. The yellow being the difficult time, while the green being a simple and more laid back time. Therefore the imagery in the poem shows how the decision impacts his or her life. Finally the structure of the poems four stanzas shows how the choice the poet makes impacts his life. In the first stanza the poet is explaining to the reader the situation of choosing which road to take. The second stanza, the speaker chooses the road that is less traveled, but then realizes that they were both just as traveled â€Å"Had worn them really about the same,† (10). In the third stanza the poet continues to describe the road he has taken, and how he would like to come back travel the other road and the feels sorry he couldnt travel both. As the poet travels down his road time has passed by. The poet explains how the road he took â€Å"And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear,† (7-8). The poems four stanzas show the decision that the poet makes impacts his life. In The Road Not Taken Robert Frost enables the reader to see the choice that he has made that impacts his life. The metaphor, the descriptive imagery, and the poems structure shows that the road the poet has chosen made all the difference in his life. A persons decision often affects their life. A good decision will lead them on a good road. While a bad decision will lead us down a bad road. We may not know if our decision maybe the right or bad one at the moment, but we will see the outcome in the end. Things happen in your life based on how you decide things not how others decide things.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Our Changing American Cities free essay sample

A ambitions of these led to the birth of a multitude of labor unions opposed by factories, the middle class, and the government (although unofficially in the case of the last). Various unions gained large memberships most notably, the National Labor Union and Samuel Compeers skilled conglomeration, the American Federation of Labor. Other urban reform movements, oriented at the social aspect of city life, included principally among them efforts by American Churches of all denominations to revivalist the religious component of urbanites lives. Institutions such as the SalvationArmy, soup kitchens, and the Young Mens and Womens Christian Associations served to reinvigorate city dwellers and introduce a higher level of significance to combat the conflict, disillusionment, and isolation often found in the big city. Previously alluded to, the spectacular growth of the cities led to haphazard and unplanned extensions of municipal boundaries (mainly through the newly invented electric troll ey), contamination, corruption, pollution, hazardous environments, and overall undesirable conditions of life for the inhabitants of the cities. We will write a custom essay sample on Our Changing American Cities or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The sculptural aspect of this dissent was dressed by Chicagoan Jane Addams her Hull House, the most famous of her altruistic settlement houses, provided the means by which the poor unemployed could received skills necessary to obtain a job and the such. Another significant settlement house includes Lillian Walls Henry Street Settlement in New York. Indeed, the government was mainly drawn to issues of city planning after natural (or unnatural) disasters devastated urban communities, as in the case of the Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and the Chicago Fire.During the Gilded Age and leading up to the Progressive Era, any people began to crowd up in the cities, looking for jobs in the new industrialization America. Sanitation quickly became a problem as cities continued to rapidly increase in size; trash was often left on the streets and disease was prevalent throughout the filthy, overcrowded streets. By the late nineteenth century, many reformers were looking to improve living conditions and decrease pollution. Alice Hamilton, for example, sought to make the public aware of toxic chemicals and their negative effects on society.Jane Addams, in addition, helped improve city conditions and services or the immigrant population by creating t he Hull House in Chicago. Later, In 191 6, Margaret Ganger attempts to inform the public about the necessity of birth control (a term she popularized) by establishing Planned Parenthood and the American Birth Control League as she tried to legalize contraception. Despite these sanitary problems, women, who were by far one of the most profoundly affected groups, found themselves propelled to city life and new economic opportunities. Millions of girls became stenographers or hello girls, who worked at the telephone switchboards.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Definition and Use of Strikethrough

Definition and Use of Strikethrough A strikethrough is a horizontal line drawn through text, used to indicate the deletion of an error or the removal of text in a draft. If your work is edited or proofed professionally on paper, understanding common revision and editing symbols and abbreviations will help you process the suggested changes. Strikethroughs are used to recommend the deletion of material in traditional editing processes.In modern social-media contexts, a strikethrough thats shown is sometimes used ironically.In some technical contexts, the history of document changes, including struck passages, serves a valuable public purpose. Conventional Uses of Strikethroughs In document editing, both by hand and through computer-aided editing, a strikethrough conveys the editors intent that the material in question ought to be deleted. A strikethrough is a basic copyediting symbol; in ink-on-paper proofreading, a strikethrough is accompanied by a loop at the end of the line to signify deletion. Editing using the track-changes feature in Microsoft Word, by contrast, indicates the deletion through the use of a red strikethrough. When you revise the document using Words reviewing tools, youll either accept or reject the proposed deletion. If you accept it, the struck text vanishes; if you reject it, the strikethrough vanishes and the text remains as-is.   When you encounter strikethroughs in documents that display in black, it suggests that someone intends an edit but isnt using the Track Changes feature. Public Use Cases for Strikethroughs Beyond the one-to-one document editing, the strikethrough can serve as a public record of changes, reflecting who made what revision at what time. The use of sophisticated version-control systems like Git, Subversion, or Mercurial allow people to change a document (usually with symbols that resemble a Track Changes project, including strikethroughs), but each change is captured with a version record that can be viewed over time. For example, Washington, D.C. publishes city laws using a service called Github. Anyone can view the districts complete set of regulations, including noting what changes were made at specific dates. One author proposed a minor typographic tweak to the districts online laws - a change that the D.C. legal administrator accepted. Not many municipalities, let alone other governmental agencies or public corporations, publish their official documents in this manner, but if more people did, it might enhance transparency and public engagement. Alternative Uses of Strikethroughs Online communication sometimes uses these strikethroughs to communicate, usually with intended humorous irony, that the non-stricken language is official and the text with a strike-through represents the writers genuine, unfiltered opinion. In this context, the strikethrough isnt actually a proofreading symbol, but rather a line through the text. In Microsoft Word or Microsoft Outlook, you can apply a strikethrough (or a double-strikethrough) effect on text without invoking any sort of editing tools. You can even color it red to mimic a track-changes edit. This alternative use of strike-through text: Is intended to be viewedReflects an opinion that shouldnt be expressed using that wordingCan sometimes lightly veil an insultHas nothing to do with document editing Youll see this alternative approach most often in blog postings and social media, where the implied snark is more accepted than it might be in formal business contexts.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Beneficence and non-maleficence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Beneficence and non-maleficence - Essay Example This essay discusses that beneficence as a bioethics principle states that medical practitioners should be of help to patients seeking their service. Beneficent activities are conducted to eliminate any health problems. The principle stresses on the eminence of healthcare offered to patients. Practitioners should accurately diagnose the condition and then apply the adequate treatment. The principle follows the essence of healthcare that is offering health benefits to all. Sick persons enter into a relationship with practitioners in seeking health benefits since health practitioners have an obligation to assist. An example of a beneficent action is advising a lung cancer patient to stop smoking so as to reduce lung infection. This paper illustrates that non-maleficent is a principle that prohibits medical practitioners from causing any harm to the patients. Possible harms are as a result of medical errors. Despite the fact that treatment errors may be unintentional, deliberate situati ons are also evident. The paper tells that practitioners are supposed to undertake deliberate actions in ensuring that errors of omission and commission are avoided and that the patients can trust the health care service. In essence, practitioners should not make negligent steps that compromise the health outcomes of patients. A case of a non-maleficent act is to stop treatment that has dire effects on the patient's health or is uncertified as a safe treatment.